How to get your kids to help with chores

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As we know, single moms have a lot on their plate! One way to alleviate some stress is to get your kids involved in cleaning up. Not only will this make your life easier, but a study from the University of Minnesota (2002) found that giving children chores at an early age helps to build a lasting sense of mastery, responsibility and self-reliance. Teaching children how to tidy up after themselves can help prepare them for the future. Research shows that kids who started doing chores at around 3-4 years old are more likely to have good relationships with friends and family, academic success and eventually success in their careers when compared with those who didn’t have chores as young kids (University of Minnesota, 2002).

Here are some helpful tips on how to get your kids involved in chores:

Eliminate cleaning as a punishment.

Using cleaning as a punishment can create a negative association for children. Try to make cleaning fun or help your children understand that it is not a punishment, but necessary for hygienic reasons.

Start small!

Give children quick, small households tasks. We all know that cleaning for large amounts of time can be overwhelming. Kids will feel this too! 

Give them options.

Giving children the option of which chores they would like to complete helps them feel as if they have autonomy and control. This will also make chores feel like less of a punishment.

One of the most important parts of getting your children involved in cleaning up is choosing age appropriate chores that they are able to complete. This also eliminates the need for parents to have to redo chores if they are not done to your satisfaction. Here is a list of age appropriate chores you can incorporate into your kids cleaning schedule (Focus on the Family, 2019):

Ages 2-3

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  • Make their bed

  • Pick up toys

  • Take laundry to laundry basket

Ages 4-5

  • Set the table

  • Help fold laundry (match socks)

  • Be responsible for keeping pets water bowl filled

Ages 6-7

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  • Put their own laundry away

  • Put dishes away

  • Empty trash can

Ages 8-11

  • Keep bedroom clean

  • Wash dishes

  • Clean the bathroom (with supervision)

Ages 12-13

  • Dust and vacuum

  • Clean mirrors

  • Set their alarm clock and wake on their own using it

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For more information on age appropriate chores and chore charts, check out these resources:


University of Minnesota. (2002). Involving children in household tasks: Is it worth the effort?

Sheifert, S. (2019). Age-Appropriate chores for kids. Focus on the Family.

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